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EGU 2013
CLUVA Publications
CLUVA Papers
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CLUVA Presentations
Deliverable 1.1
Data for global climate simulations available for downscaling
Deliverable 1.2
Hazard scenarios for test cities using available data
Deliverable 1.3
Harmonization of hazard indices and ranking of hazards
Deliverable 1.4
Software and methods for quantitative hazard scenarios
Deliverable 1.5
Regional climate change simulations available for the selected areas
Deliverable 1.6
Web Climate Service
Deliverable 1.7
Climate maps and statistical indices for selected cities
Deliverable 1.8
Probabilistic hazard and multihazard scenarios in GIS environment for the relevant hazards in selected cities
Deliverable 2.1
Identification of hot spots vulnerability of adobe houses, sewer systems and road networks
Deliverable 2.2
Guidelines on engineering design and management of storm water systems
Deliverable 2.3
Guidelines for reliability analysis of roadway network including procedures for emergency response management
Deliverable 2.4
Guidelines for vulnerability assessment and reinforcement measures of adobe houses
Deliverable 2.5
Guidelines to decreasing physical urban vulnerability in the 3 considered cities
Deliverable 2.6
International evidence of the ecosystem services of urban green infrastructure in different climate zones
Deliverable 2.7
Green infrastructure maps for selected case studies and a report with an urban green infrastructure mapping methodology adapted to African cities
Deliverable 2.8
A GIS based assessment of the urban green structure of selected case study areas and their ecosystem services
Deliverable 2.9
Recommendations for green infrastructure planning in selected case study cities
Deliverable 2.10
Evaluation of the potential of urban ecosystem services
Deliverable 2.11
Review and evaluation of existing vulnerability indicators in order to obtain an appropriate set of indicators for assessing climate related vulnerability
Deliverable 2.12
Lessons learned and recommendations for assessing social vulnerability and adaptation strategies
Deliverable 2.13
Bayesian multi-risk model: demonstration for test city researchers
Deliverable 2.14
Reports and map on multi-risk Bayesian scenarios on one selected city (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania)
Deliverable 2.15
A tutorial on kinetic graphs to be used in the training sessions for the African researchers
Deliverable 2.16
A detailed description of the kinetic graph generic model to be instantiated by the test case researchers
Deliverable 2.17
Report describing the developed methods and its possible relevance for planning and decision-making
Deliverable 3.1
Report on planning system and government structure in 2 case cities
Deliverable 3.2
Recommendation of how climate change can be better integrated in the planning and government system
Deliverable 3.3
System of land use indicators for vulnerability to climate change
Deliverable 3.4
Map of high risk areas for selected case area
Deliverable 3.5
Base line scenarios for urban development of selected case study areas
Deliverable 3.6
Exemplary of policies, strategies and measures
Deliverables 3.7 & 3.8
Strategic measures for the two cities. Most important strategies - recommendations
Recommendations for process and prioritization of data needs
Deliverable 4.1
Training Schedule and training programme for PhD students. Training needs, offered courses, requested courses, PhD courses/summer schools
Deliverable 4.2
Three PhD courses/summers schools
Deliverable 4.3
University curriculum(a) at master's level
Deliverable 4.4
Web-site on-line
Deliverable 4.5
Research briefs/work books, study guides, screen casts
Deliverable 5.1
Stakeholders workshops on the conceptual framework for climate hazard risk and vulnerability
Deliverable 5.2
Report on climate related hazards in the selected cities
Deliverable 5.4
Preliminary findings on social vulnerability assessment in the selected cities
Deliverable 5.6
Hazard scenario impacts for the six climate change models
Deliverable 5.7
Action plan to mitigate climate hazards
Deliverable 5.8
Synthesis of the results obtained by the case studies
Deliverable 6.3
Minutes of Project kick off meeting and Project Meetings